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Videos & Movies
At Baggy Caps we have an absolute passion for both our cap making trade & the wider sporting community as well. Part of this includes our desire to educate & show the skills & trade of making traditionally handcrafted caps so that these skills are never lost to Australia.
We also love the way sport brings communities together & the fun & wider benefits sport brings to our society ... so ... some of our videos are all about having some lighthearted fun too. Intro Video
December 2016 Update - Future of the Baggy Green secured by Cricket Australia & Kookaburra
- The 'Kookaburra' Australian Baggy Green
The 'Naked Baggy Caps' Series of Films
The entire team here shares a collective passion & pride in every single cap we make. We also love the role that sport plays in our society & the fun, laughs & good times it brings. One also has to be able to laugh at oneself & not take ourselves too seriously ... & thus we bring you our 'Naked Baggy' series of films that includes our epic first ever feature short movie 'Naked Baggy Caps'. If we can make a short movie - anyone can! (stay tuned for more on this in 2018)
The 'Naked Baggy' series is a collection of 10 films ... all designed to have a laugh at ourselves & hopefully get a chuckle out of you too. Our feature mockumentary 'Naked Baggy Caps' will be released in late 2017. We hope you enjoy.
'Crazy Underwater Scuba Commercial' Naked Baggy Series - Film 1 of 10
'Rusty' from Rusty & Associates promises all his clients the 'best' advertising campaigns ever. Hired by Rusty as usual promises the world but campaign after campaign is just one left field disaster after another ... such as this Crazy Underwater Scuba Commercial.
'Mitsy & Ditsy from the USA' Naked Baggy Series - Film 2 of 10
Rusty's disastrous commercials & marketing campaigns for somehow attracts fans from all over the world ... like Mitsy & Ditsy from the good 'ol US of A'
Film 2 of 10 in the 'Naked Baggy' Series
Preview Movie Trailer of 'Naked Baggy Caps' Short Movie - Film 5 of 10
The 'trailer' to our infamous short movie ' Naked Baggy Caps' made by us & entered into a Short Movie Competition. A very lighthearted 'mockumentary' about which will have a global release in late 2017. Film 5 of 10 in the 'Naked Baggy' Series
Red Carpet Premiere of 'Naked Baggy Caps' Short Movie - Film 6 of 10
The Red Carpet Cast & Crew only Premiere of our infamous short movie ' Naked Baggy Caps'. A very lighthearted 'mockumentary' about which will be released in late 2017. Pictured here are the stars of the show Jacinta & Rusty on the red carpet. Film 6 of 10 in the 'Naked Baggy' series of movies
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