Baggy Caps or Bust - Short Movie Comp

Worlds first short movie making competition for Cricket Clubs Big even bigger blast
Having played cricket all our lives...all of us here at owe many wonderful memories and a lifetime of laughs to the game of cricket. Of course all sports and clubs will always have their fair share of fun and laughs but for some reason cricket especially seems to feature in and be the backdrop to many a humorous tale. Because of this, we have often pondered just how good it would be to create a platform and vehicle whereby clubs and players could both share some of these tales and also create their own tales through the often very creative talented people every cricket club has.
Enter "Baggy Caps or Bust" - the worlds first (and thus biggest!) short movie making competition designed especially and only for cricket clubs !!
Baggy Caps or Bust short movie competition will be;
Easy to Enter ...Very, very Easy
Free to Enter...Absolutley Free
Give clubs and their sponsors a fantastic platform for world wide exposure by hosting and making available Every Clubs short movie online
Be A Lot of fun & will Have special guests as Judges
Have a Fans Forum and Fans Favourite Movie voted on by fans all over the world
Offer Fantastic Cash & Equipment Prizes
This will be the easiest short movie making competition to enter. No complicated forms and paperwork, simply make a creatively entertaining or enjoyable or humorous 5 minute short movie... it could not be more fun & simple as that. Showcase your clubs hidden “Hollywood” talents ... film it on a phone or go all out with proper camerawork and production ... it doesnt matter as its the most Entertaining & Creative that will win. Be as funny as you like or even discuss and cover any serious subject matter important to you or the club. … again it doesnt matter as every entry will be shown and available online and both creativity content will be part of the judging guidelines.
Stay tuned in 2018 for some exciting news and more details on “Baggy Caps or Bust” ... a lot is happening and we have some serious sponsors all very keen to come on board with this project in a big way.
And, just to show how easy it is...and...just to show that 'anyone' can make a short movie. We (as in decided to be the first cab off the rank and make “our” own short movie. A short movie that we actually decided to enter into Tropfest which is the worlds biggest short movie competition.
So to prove all of this the short movie “Naked Baggy Caps” was born. The full complete final version of “Naked Baggy Caps” will be launched online in late 2017.
For now though...feel free to watch the “Movie Trailer” and “Red Carpet Premiere” at the Videos page.
Ultimately your entry does not need to be some super duper elaborate movie. Feel free to go all out if you like as there is nothing like impressing... but just dont forget that simple creativity will also be rewarded when it is great content too.
Stay tuned as there is a lot more exciting news and updates coming soon on this, and get your thinking caps and creative juices flowing !
“Baggy Caps or Bust” coming in 2018